Exploratory 3D studies, establishing a world of metal advertising Delta's Window Seat Shop
In the early stages of working on Delta's Window Seat Shop for 2024, I was approached by the team to explore and configure realistic metal, lighting, and compositions inspired by their photoshop style frames. Toying around with the idea of bringing their vision into a 3D program, I was able to liaison them around the possibilities of Cinema4D in a Print/Ad perspective.
Program: After Effects (+ Red Giant), Cinema 4D (+ Redshift), & Photoshop
Program: After Effects (+ Red Giant), Cinema 4D (+ Redshift), & Photoshop
Digital Out Of Home Billboards

Social Postings
Some of my favorite selects from the exploratory phase

Initial Exploratory
Starting out, I was asked to create a few various environments where this metal existed. Buzz words like "sheet metal", "minimal scratches", and "reflectiveness" were thrown around as well as lighting preferences (cool / warm / colorful) to help steer the initial style frames.

Additional exploratory exports
Playing with the bevels across the text and window, effects on the metadata, and overall varying lighting intensity.