Series graphics for a show about the worst roommates and ex-partners ... EVER
This work was created at and owned by BGSTR
This work was created at and owned by BGSTR
I was one of the primary artists at BGSTR handling the graphics delivered during this project. The work mainly consisting of Archival cleanup, treatment, and animation as well as GFX documents, maps, and timeline animations to heighten and elevate the story points. (Additional design / animation support from the majority of the BGSTR team.)
Program: After Effects (+ Red Giant), Topaz Gigapixel, & Photoshop
The following content will reflect upon my involvement with the series. To witness the entire team's efforts, please watch Worst Roommate / Ex Ever on Netflix.
Program: After Effects (+ Red Giant), Topaz Gigapixel, & Photoshop
The following content will reflect upon my involvement with the series. To witness the entire team's efforts, please watch Worst Roommate / Ex Ever on Netflix.
Additional GFX